Create a force of nature

Remember we cannot always predict where tornadoes, dust devils, and waterspouts will form. We do know, however, conditions that could possibly lead to their formation.

Choose conditions most likely to form

  • Icon of a trophy1. a dust devil
  • Icon of a trophy2. a waterspout
  • Icon of a trophy3. a tornado
Icon of an arrow pointer

Select the conditions most likely to form

Icon of an arrow pointer

Select the conditions most likely to form

Video courtesy of Discovery Access Icon of a trophy

Well done.

You've picked weather conditions favorable for

Now try and make Icon of an arrow pointing right
Video courtesy of Alister Chapman Natural Extremes Specialist Icon of a trophy

Well done.

You've picked weather conditions favorable for

Now try and make Icon of an arrow pointing right
Video courtesy of Science Photo Library / Getty Images Icon of a trophy

Well done.

You've picked weather conditions favorable for

Now try and make Icon of an arrow pointing right
Icon of information i

Almost there.

Think again about your choices for:

Try again

Find out where tornadoes strike

Icon of an arrow pointing right Tornado Locations

Icon of an arrow pointing left All Forces

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