Create a force of nature

Use your knowledge of these awe-inspiring storms to create them yourself.

Choose conditions most likely to form

  • Icon of a trophy1. a typhoon
  • Icon of a trophy2. a cyclone
  • Icon of a trophy3. a hurricane
Icon of an arrow pointer

Select the conditions most likely to form

Icon of an arrow pointer

Select the conditions most likely to form

Video courtesy of James Reynolds / Getty Images Icon of a trophy

Well done.

You've picked weather conditions favorable for . Remember all three storms are tropical cyclones. The names just show where they form.

Now try and make Icon of an arrow pointing right
Video courtesy of haapaiglenn / Getty Images Icon of a trophy

Well done.

You've picked weather conditions favorable for . Remember all three storms are tropical cyclones. The names just show where they form.

Now try and make Icon of an arrow pointing right
Video courtesy of James Reynolds / Getty Images Icon of a trophy

Well done.

You've picked weather conditions favorable for . Remember all three storms are tropical cyclones. The names just show where they form.

Now try and make Icon of an arrow pointing right
Icon of information i

Almost there.

Think again about your choices for:

Try again

Find out where hurricanes strike

Icon of an arrow pointing right Hurricane Locations

Icon of an arrow pointing left All Forces

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