Threats to Big Cats: Poachers

Threats to Big Cats: Poachers

Video. While reviewing footage from one of their camera traps, scientists find footage of poachers in the woods. Poachers are people who illegally kill animals. Poachers benefit from killing these animals by selling the animals for money.


6 - 12+



There are two species of clouded leopard, Neofelis diardi and Neofelis nebulosa. Clouded leopards are considered “vulnerable” according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species™, and both species are only found in parts of Asia. The IUCN estimates that no more than 10,000 clouded leopards remain in the wild. In an attempt to study these elusive animals, researchers set camera traps and instead find poachers on the hunt for rare animals.

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Dani Orth
Mary Ford, National Geographic Society
Elizabeth Wolzak, National Geographic Society
Expert Reviewer
Dr. Luke Dollar, Conservation Scientist
National Geographic Program
Big Cats Initiative
National Geographic Channel
Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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