Infographic Storytelling in the Classroom: Kevin Rohn

Infographic Storytelling in the Classroom: Kevin Rohn

Learn how Kevin Rohn, National Geographic Certified Educator, integrates infographics and storytelling into his science classroom.


5 - 12+


Biology, Professional Learning, Storytelling

Developed in partnership with
Adobe 6

Kevin Rohn is a National Geographic Certified Educator, specializing in curriculum design and instruction; and a middle school science teacher at Beaver Country Day School, outside of Boston, Massachusetts, United States. With a background in environmental science, Kevin began his journey in education as a Teaching Fellow at the Bronx Zoo before entering the classroom as a middle school science teacher at The East Harlem School at Exodus House.

Kevin brings a student-driven, project based approach to his classroom. With an emphasis on inquiry, Kevin’s approach allows students to ask their own questions, investigate through research, come to conclusions together, and communicate their findings in their own voice.

Not only does Kevin want students to understand a topic, he wants them to be able to clearly present and communicate the results of their investigation to harness the potential to drive meaningful changes. In an iterative process, Kevin has developed or refined a number of data-driven, science-based storytelling projects, covering topics such as global biomes, location based climate change adaptation, and single-use plastics.

This video was developed in partnership with Adobe, as part of a series of courses called Storytelling for Impact.

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Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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