


Industrialization, Labor, and Life

Industrialization, Labor, and Life

Industrialization ushered much of the world into the modern era, revamping patterns of human settlement, labor, and family life.


3 - 12


Social Studies, Economics, U.S. History, World History


Power Looms

Women and children were often employed in the textile industry during the first century of industrialization. Their smaller fingers were often better at threading the machinery. Despite routinely working 16 hours, or longer, a day they were paid little.

Photograph by Nancy Carter
Women and children were often employed in the textile industry during the first century of industrialization. Their smaller fingers were often better at threading the machinery. Despite routinely working 16 hours, or longer, a day they were paid little.
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The world changed in many ways from 1750 to 1850. Historians call this period the Industrial Revolution. People's lives changed in nearly every way.

The Industrial Revolution began around 1750 in Great Britain. Great Britain is in Europe. Most British people worked as farmers. Some made crafts like shoes and jewelry. They usually lived and worked in small villages.

Farming Life Becomes Difficult

The number of people living in Great Britain grew quickly in the 1700s. Farmers grew more food to feed everyone. They started using machines and found new ways to grow crops. By using machines, farms did not need as many workers.

Rich people began buying up farmland. They turned farming into a business. Because of this, family farmers could not survive in the countryside. They moved to cities to find new jobs. The cities had factories where people could find work. In Great Britain and in Europe, cities grew larger.

Factory Work Was Challenging To Families

Families were used to working together in shops or on farms. But work was very different during the Industrial Revolution. Some men had to move away from their families to find jobs in the cities.

There, people worked long hours in dangerous factories. When whole families moved to the cities, the men often worked so long that they did not see their families much.

Many women and children also worked in factories. Sometimes they worked 16 hours a day. The work was not always safe. They were paid less than men even though they also worked hard.

Industrial Revolution Was Important to U.S. Growth

The Industrial Revolution also took place in the United States. It started when the United States broke away from Great Britain in the 1770s. In 1807, President Thomas Jefferson created a trade law. He stopped trading with some other countries. This meant Americans had to buy more goods from U.S. companies. More factories were built because of the law.

Many farmers took new jobs in cities. The United States became one of the richest countries in the world. Yet many workers thought they were not being treated fairly. They asked factory owners to make their work safer and less tiring. They also wanted more pay. But not all factory owners would agree to fix things.

New laws were passed starting in the late 1800s. Workers' lives started to slowly improve. Other countries also built factories. Many of the same problems happened in those countries.

The Industrial Revolution continues to shape our world today.

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Tyson Brown, National Geographic Society
Freddie Wilkinson
Production Managers
Gina Borgia, National Geographic Society
Jeanna Sullivan, National Geographic Society
Program Specialists
Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society
Margot Willis, National Geographic Society
Clint Parks
Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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