Exploring with GIS: Visualizing a Glacier

Exploring with GIS: Visualizing a Glacier

Travel along with Alex Tait, The Geographer at National Geographic, and a team of mappers on an expedition to Mount Everest. They scan using LiDAR and perform detailed photogrammetry of the entire Khumbu Glacier from the South Col all the way down to the toe of the glacier and all of Everest Base Camp—at the highest resolution ever collected at Mount Everest. The maps produced from the data will help scientists better understand the dynamics of the ice and snow on the mountain and how the warming climate is impacting the region.


5 - 12+


Earth Science, Climatology, Geology, Geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Physical Geography

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Media Credits

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Partner Organization
Special Thanks
Phortse Sherpa Community
Virtual Wonders
Sagarmatha National Park
Government of Nepal
Shangri-La Nepal Trek
Khumbu Climbing Center
Tribhuvan University
Last Updated

November 15, 2023

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