Storytelling Through Video: Sandesh Kadur

Storytelling Through Video: Sandesh Kadur

National Geographic Storytelling Fellow Sandesh Kadur embarks on an expedition to explore a Beyul—called Pemako—and to create short videos to showcase the need to conserve and preserve the last Beyuls.


5 - 12


Storytelling, Professional Learning, Geography, Human Geography, Religion

Developed in partnership with
Adobe 6

Sandesh Kadur is a documentary filmmaker, photographer, and author. Most recently, he worked on “Our Planet” for Netflix and “The Okavango Experience,” a virtual reality series that follows National Geographic’s Okavango Wilderness Project. He has won numerous awards over the years, including a 2017 Emmy nomination and a 2017 BAFTA award for his work on “Planet Earth II.” Now a National Geographic Storytelling Fellow, he is embarking on an expedition to explore a Beyul called the Pemako.

According to Buddhist tradition, a Beyul is a hidden and revered realm of beauty and intact biodiversity, and this one—the Pemako—borders India and Tibet along the Siang River. Sandesh’s goal is to document species in the region, discover new ones, and compare data his team gathers with that of a century-old British expedition of the same place. Along the way, he’ll highlight the interconnectedness of the region’s cultures and their ecosystems. In the end, he plans to create a documentary film and several short videos that can be used to showcase the need to conserve and preserve the last Beyuls.

This video was developed in partnership with Adobe, as part of a series of courses called Storytelling for Impact.

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Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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