Storytelling Through Infographics: Taylor Maggiacomo

Storytelling Through Infographics: Taylor Maggiacomo

Taylor Maggiacomo is a graphic editor and science illustrator from southern California and an Associate Graphic Editor at National Geographic. Her goal is to make scientific research and visual journalism beautiful and approachable through images that engage and inform a variety of audiences.


5 - 12


Storytelling, Professional Learning

Developed in partnership with
Adobe 6

Taylor Maggiacomo was always interested in art and science. Learn more about her journey, from her early interest in science and art to learning that science illustrator was a profession that led her on her present career: a graphic editor for National Geographic Magazine. Her work blends detailed illustrations with engaging information and clear data visualizations to inform and inspire National Geographic’s readers.

This video was developed in partnership with Adobe, as part of a series of courses called Storytelling for Impact.

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Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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