Photographic Storytelling in the Classroom: Allison Fuisz

Photographic Storytelling in the Classroom: Allison Fuisz

Learn how Allison Fuisz, a middle school teacher of geography, history, French, and science, integrates photography with fiction and nonfiction storytelling to spark the curiosity and imagination of her students.


5 - 12+


Photography, Storytelling, Professional Learning

Developed in partnership with
Adobe 6

Allison Fuisz is a middle school teacher of geography, history, French, and science at Bell High School in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. She’s also a National Geographic Grosvenor Teacher Fellow, a National Geographic teacher certification mentor, and she participated in the 2019 National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions in Iceland. Allison’s multidisciplinary approach to learning aims to integrate technology with subject matter in ways that foster a deeper emotional connection for her students. Currently, she’s mixing photography with fiction and nonfiction storytelling to spark the curiosity and imagination of her students.

This video was developed in partnership with Adobe, as part of a series of courses called Storytelling for Impact.

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Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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