Mauna Loa Carbon-Dioxide Records

Mauna Loa Carbon-Dioxide Records

Watch this brief, video picture of practice that captures everyday classroom life and provides real-life examples of how students learn and think about climate change topics.


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Earth Science

The Mauna Loa graph is one of the most popular representations used to show rising carbon-dioxide levels. Because the graph uses only instrumental measurements and recordings have been taken in the same location at the Mauna Loa Observatory, some of the complications that come with interpreting other climate-change graphs are not present when looking at the Mauna Loa graph. However, students may still be confused about how to read the graph, and what causes the different trends.

Watch this video of 6th and 8th grade students in coastal communities in California. The purpose of this classroom video is to see students interpret the Mauna Loa graph and explain their ideas about what causes the upward trend in CO2.

For additional classroom context, video analysis, and reflection opportunities, read the Picture of Practice page for "Mauna Loa Carbon-Dioxide Records" in the Changing Climate Environmental Literacy Teacher Guide, page 63.

Media Credits

The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited.

Lindsey Mohan, Ph.D.
Tara G. Treiber, B.A. Natural Sciences: Ecology
Marcia S. Matz, M.A. Design
Nicole D. LaDue, M.A.T Earth Science Education
Jenny D. Ingber, Ph.D. Science Education
Jose Marcos-Iga, Ph.D. Natural Resources
Tania T. Hinojosa, M.Ed. Educational Technology
Cindy Olson
Kristen Dell, National Geographic Society
Lindsey Mohan, Ph.D.
Chelsea Zillmer
Expert Reviewers
Catie Boarts, Heal the Bay
Jenny D. Ingber
LuAnn Dahlman
Tara G. Treiber, Heal the Bay
Last Updated

January 22, 2024

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