Crittercam: Great White Shark

Crittercam: Great White Shark

Experience the ocean through the eyes of its top predator.


K, 1 - 12+


Biology, Earth Science, Oceanography

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Use this video to introduce an example of how scientists use technology to study the natural world. A Crittercam is a camera that is attached to an animal, allowing us to see from the animal's point of view. Crittercams capture both video and audio without human intervention, providing footage that helps us answer questions about the secret lives of animals.

This video shows footage from the viewpoint of a great white shark. Through this type of documentation, we can learn essential information about great white sharks' prey (such as seals) and about their interactions with other species in the ocean.

Fast Fact

  • Great white sharks usually grow about 4.6 meters (15 feet) long. Some great whites have reached 6 meters (20 feet) long, which is about the height of a two-story house.

Fast Fact

  • Great white sharks are known to swim at a speed of 24 kilometers (15 miles) per hour due to their powerful tails and torpedo-shaped bodies.

Fast Fact

  • The mouths of great white sharks have up to 300 teeth. These teeth are serrated, which means there are many notches on the edges. Great whites have several rows of teeth. They help them to eat prey, such as sea lions and seals.

Fast Fact

  • At their biggest, great white sharks can weigh 2,268 kilograms (5,000 pounds), which is much more than an average car.
Media Credits

The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited.

Katherine Lawson
Mary Ford, National Geographic Society
Alison Michel
Jessica Shea
Page Producer
Samantha Zuhlke, National Geographic Society
Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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