Creating a Video Story: Sandesh Kadur

Creating a Video Story: Sandesh Kadur

Create your own video story with Sandesh Kadur—a National Geographic Storytelling Fellow—as your guide.


5 - 12+


Professional Learning, Storytelling, Filmmaking, Biology

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Adobe 6

Creating a video story is both a complex and intuitive process. Intuitive because we have internalized what makes a good short video. We have watched many stories on screen in various formats. Complex because video stories are composed of the nuanced combination of five powerful elements: imagery, sound, music, graphics, and words. It is these two ideas—intuitive and complex—that make video storytelling such an engaging and compelling practice in the classroom.

This video series allows you—and eventually your students—to practice and develop the attitudes and skills of an explorer and become a storyteller. Guided by Sandesh Kadur, you will develop your own video story—a story that means something to you and that could inspire others to take action.

The process is broken down into six steps as illustrated by each of the following videos.

1. Developing Your Story

In this video, Sandesh takes an active role in searching for a character whose story will be impactful. It’s a deliberate choice based on the passion of the person, their knowledge, and their connection to their environment—in this case a river in the Himalaya, which Sandesh also sees as a main character.

2. Pre-Production

Sandesh takes you through the fundamental planning steps needed to prepare for the shoot.

3. Shooting Tips

Sandesh offers a few tips about shot composition and camera movement.

4. Production

It is time to shoot. Here, Sandesh provides a detailed look at what he calls “shooting a sequence” which is about how to compose a series of shots to introduce your story or convey a small scene. On location, Sandesh’s shooting experience provides a visceral sense of the detailed work that goes into capturing all the material that you will need to tell your story.

5. Editing Your Story

Sandesh Kadur puts all the produced pieces together to create his short video story.

6. Showtime

Sandesh Kadur presents his final video story, along with a debrief about the process that he has just experienced. Sandesh talks about how time allows characters to naturally reveal themselves.

These videos were developed in partnership with Adobe, as part of a series of courses called Storytelling for Impact.

Media Credits

The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited.

Online Course Design and Productions
Dan Byerly, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society
Elizabeth Wolzak, National Geographic Society
Executive Producer
Vanessa Serrao, National Geographic Society
Cinematographer, Editor
Sandesh Kadur
Monica Pinzon
Educator Reviewers
Jordan Budisantoso, Educator, 2020 Teacher Advisory Council, National Geographic Society
Michael Hernandez, Media Arts Teacher and Consultant 2020 Teacher Advisory Council, National Geographic Society
Leon Tynes, Educator, 2020 Teacher Advisory Council, National Geographic Society
Video Producers
Eddie Olvera
Devin Swanson
Series Producer
Chris Dye
Robin Darius Conz
#GenGeo Reviewers
Andrew Brennan
Simon Handelman
Merrit Jones
Afi Tagnedji
Production Managers
Ashley Green, National Geographic Society
Carmen Radke
Associate Producer
Ruben Rodriguez Perez
Web Producer
Clint Parks
Special Thanks
Warren Jones, Qanirtuuq Corporation, Wanirtuuq Corporation
Rick Knecht, Nunalleq Culture and Archaeology Center, Nunalleq Culture and Archaeology Center
Quinhagak, Alaska
Last Updated

January 22, 2024

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