


George Washington Crosses the Delaware

George Washington Crosses the Delaware

This key moment of the American Revolution, made iconic in a portrait by Emanuel Leutze, was a major victory for General George Washington during the fight for the colonies’ independence. But its artistic depiction, a staple in classrooms across the country, does not tell the whole story about what actually happened that cold day in December.


3 - 12


Social Studies, U.S. History, World History


Washington Crossing the Delaware

More than a tribute to a turning point in the American Revolution, "Washington Crossing the Delaware" was created to inspire liberal reforms in the country where the painter was born, Germany.

Painting by Emanual Leutze
More than a tribute to a turning point in the American Revolution, "Washington Crossing the Delaware" was created to inspire liberal reforms in the country where the painter was born, Germany.
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What would Americans identify as the most famous moment of the American Revolution? Some might choose the "Shot Heard 'Round the World" at Lexington and Concord, in Massachusetts. Others might pick the surrender of British General Charles Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia. For many Americans, though, it is the image of George Washington crossing the Delaware River that would come to mind first.

This image was made famous by Emanuel Leutze, a German-born painter. He hoped to inspire reforms in his home country during the 1850s. Leutze's painting shows Washington standing with one knee bent at the front of a ship. The general is leading his troops to a surprise attack, an American flag waving above them. Leutze's painting has become iconic. Monumental in size (3.8 by 6.5 meters, or 12.4 by 21.3 feet) and symbolism, it has not only inspired extreme patriotism, it has also led to some misunderstandings about Washington's surprise raid on Hessian forces.

The Troops Were in Need of a Victory

The Hessians were hired German soldiers who fought for the British. Washington attacked their military base in Trenton, New Jersey, on Christmas Day 1776, inspiring new hope for the Patriot Army. Supplies were low, as was morale, during this period. Washington feared more troubles were ahead for the Continental Army. As losses mounted for the Americans, it became more difficult to retain soldiers. Many chose to desert rather than face a cold winter with limited supplies.

Washington understood the importance of a much-needed victory before the year let out, and the group of about 1,400 Hessians at Trenton became his target. Washington and his men were part of a larger plan that included two other crossings of American soldiers. However, only Washington and his roughly 2,400 men were successful in reaching the Hessians. They arrived in Trenton with support from Colonel Henry Knox, who was stationed with men at the top of the town. Washington and his soldiers sailed on cargo ships that ranged from 12 to 18 meters (40 to 60 feet) in length. On the icy waters of the Delaware River, they were hit with a harsh rain. By midnight it had turned to a mix of sleet and snow.

The Painting Tells a Different Story

This is quite the contrast from the image portrayed by Leutze's painting. Washington's boat was much larger than is painted, and the flag in the image was not actually designed until after the event took place. Leutze's work was more of a representation of what the event symbolized. (It should be noted that Leutze did attempt to be accurate, but also hoped to inspire a greater purpose.) His painting has become intermixed with the history of the moment itself. That has made it difficult for some to separate the truth from the legend.

The Hessians were somewhat aware an attack was coming, thanks to a British spy inside Washington's headquarters. Although the Hessians did not fully expect Washington to attack, they knew it was possible. Constant false alarms coupled with bad weather gave Washington the surprise opening he needed to launch a successful attack. Once the Continental Army arrived onshore, their execution was excellent. The Hessians surrendered before morning and the Americans suffered few causalities. Stories of this bold American victory grew in legend as they reached other colonists.

A Painting of National Pride

The morale boost that resulted from Washington's surprise attack has continued to grow in legend in classrooms across the country. In large part, this is because of Emanuel Leutze's painting. The artist completed it during the 1850s, a time of division in the United States. He intended the work to suggest a sense of national pride and unity. Many studies have been done on Leutze's use of the Stars and Stripes flag or his placing of a diverse group of Americans in Washington's boat. These symbols reinforced the hopes that Leutze had for his own country of Germany. They also contributed to the creation of an American icon. Today, the painting hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It continues to inspire people while reminding them of the challenges Washington and his men faced.

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Tyson Brown, National Geographic Society
National Geographic Society
Production Managers
Gina Borgia, National Geographic Society
Jeanna Sullivan, National Geographic Society
Program Specialists
Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society
Margot Willis, National Geographic Society
Clint Parks
Roza Kavak
Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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